In just a few years, the boutique agency started taking over big accounts such as Nespresso, Intermarine, Reebok Sports Club, Le Lis Blanc, and others. Yet, above all, Lifestyle Mag is the fruit of a deeply held commitment — a commitment to offer the customer our undivided attention, with a promise that tomorrow will be better than today. A commitment offering you the finest creations with a unique attention to detail. After producing those campaigns, clients started to ask for pages of content, which today we call custom content, branded content, or custom magazines. Beyond beautiful models, views, and campaigns, Lifestyle Mag is invested in the promotion of culture. It created a brand of luxury culture and then began publishing different materials both in print and online about different industries such as yachts, sports, soccer, architecture, weddings, travel, fashion, decor, and many more. It paved the way to discover a world of good taste, excitement, and intellect, a place where “culture can be acquired” within a luxurious environment for what we call “cabinets of curiosities.”